These activities as good as exercise because they decrease total sedentary time A spot of DIY or gardening can cut the risk of a heart attack/stroke and prolong life by as much as 30 per cent among the 60+ age group, indicates research published online in the British Journal of Sports Medicine. These routine activities are as good as exercise, which is ideal for older people … [Read more...] about DIY and gardening can cut heart attack/stroke risk by 30% and prolong life in 60+ age group
2008 economic crisis could be to blame for thousands of excess suicides worldwide – BMJ
Researchers say “urgent action” is needed to prevent further deaths Research: Impact of 2008 global economic crisis on suicide: time trend study in 54 countries In a paper published today on, researchers are suggesting that the 2008 global economic crisis could be to blame for the increase in suicide rates in European and American countries, particularly among males … [Read more...] about 2008 economic crisis could be to blame for thousands of excess suicides worldwide – BMJ
Back of pack health warnings make little impact on teen smokers
Pictures better than text, but are less visible, which curbs their effectiveness [Adolescents’ response to pictorial warnings on the reverse panel of cigarette packs: a repeat cross-sectional study Online First doi 10.1136/tobacccontrol-2013-050999] Back of pack picture or text warnings depicting the dangers of smoking, make little impact on teen smokers, particularly those … [Read more...] about Back of pack health warnings make little impact on teen smokers
Fatty acids found in fish linked to lower risk of breast cancer
Findings have important public health implications for dietary and lifestyle interventions Research: Intake of fish and marine n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and risk of breast cancer: meta-analysis of data from 21 independent prospective cohort studies A high intake of fatty acids found in fish is associated with a 14% reduction in the risk of breast cancer in later life, … [Read more...] about Fatty acids found in fish linked to lower risk of breast cancer