Wicklow Yoga are delighted to announce the commencement of Pregnancy Yoga classes in their studio on the quays in Wicklow Town.
Wicklow Yoga is a new studio which first opened it’s doors on 21st April 2012. The Pregnancy Yoga classes will be given by studio proprietor Claire Andrews (pictured).
The benefits of yoga for pregnant women are well documented. “Modern life does not equip women well for the rigors of childbirth”, says Claire. “Physically unnatural activities like spending hours sitting in chairs at work and at home have decreased our natural preparedness for childbirth. Mentally we are equally unprepared. Most first time mothers have high levels of apprehension or even outright fear surrounding labour and birth. It’s not surprising given typical depictions of birth on TV and even well meaning stories passed on from friends and family members.”
“Yoga helps you to prepare both mentally and physically. I think some women expect pregnancy yoga to be a purely relaxing experience. While there is a huge emphasis on relaxation and breathing techniques, the body also has to be prepared. Labour and birth are hugely physically demanding, often compared with running a marathon in terms of exertion. Pregnancy yoga is so important because it both aids flexibility and increases core strength. Obviously during pregnancy the exercises have to be gentler than what we would do normally, but the whole point is to get mind and body as prepared as possible for the birth of the baby.”
Pregnancy Yoga improves your fitness which is of great benefit during labour and birth. The breathing exercises help keep you relaxed during labour and even promote the release of endorphins – mother nature’s natural pain killers. The breathing exercises help you to work with your body during labour and birth while being more relaxed reduces stress for both the mother and baby.

Pregnancy yoga is also a great way to meet other expectant mums and share experiences. It also helps you to bond with your baby before the birth, helps to stabilise hormone induced mood instability and provides a great opportunity for some well deserved “me time”.
It is not recommended that you start prenatal yoga until after the first trimester (12 weeks onwards). Under normal circumstances you can continue to practice right up to the birth. As with all exercises, it is important that you take medical advice before starting during pregnancy, and stop should you experience any unusual symptoms.
The Pregnancy Yoga classes at Wicklow Yoga are on Tuesday Evenings at 8pm in the studio on South Quay.
For more information on pregnancy yoga please see the following pages on the Wicklow Yoga website:
Pregnancy Yoga
Ten Benefits of Pregnancy Yoga
Frequently Asked Questions about Pregnancy Yoga