A balanced diet consists of the appropriate amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and fibres.
Proteins: They are required in small quantity to repair damaged tissues and generate the growth of new cells. Meat, poultry, fish and eggs are high in protein.
Carbohydrates: They provide the body with energy, help to control the breakdown of protein and protect the body against toxins. You can get carbohydrates from starchy foods like rice, bread and potatoes. The Chinese has a saying, “Avoid the 3 whites – white rice, white bread and white sugar”. How true it is. So, look for brown rice, whole-wheat bread and fruit instead.
Fats: The body needs fats for growth and repairs. Fats help insulate the body and protect vital organs. However too much of saturated fats are bad for our health. Choose olive oil.
Vitamins: Vitamins are needed to process other nutrients, help regulate the nervous system. They also help form genetic material, proteins, red blood cells and hormones.
The various vitamins can be obtained from most of the food groups. I take a multi-vitamin tablet daily to combat deficiency in certain vitamins.
Minerals: Minerals are needed for the formation of bones, teeth and blood cells. They are also assisting the chemical reactions of cells and for regulating bode fluids. Consume milk, yoghurt and cheese which are rich in calcium. Obtain iron from breads, cereals and other grains while whole-grain products give you magnesium and zinc.
Fibres: Fibres help promote a healthy digestive system. They also help prevent constipation. You get fibres from whole-grain products, fruits and vegetables.
Charles Chua C K devotes his time to writing articles about his past experiences relating to health, career, money, home, relationships, education, happiness, Feng Shui, writing and more. The aim of his articles is to share useful tips about life with his readers. Please visit his blog at allaboutlivingwithlife.blogspot.com