Anner Hotel, Thurles
Wednesday 18th September at 7.30pm
This is a public event and there is no charge to attend
Approximately half a million people in Ireland suffer from migraine and although sports and exercise can be of benefit to a migraine sufferer, they can also trigger migraine attacks in many people. Dehydration, sun-glare, overheating, hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar) and over-exertion are the most common sporting triggers.
The Migraine Association of Ireland (MAI) will hold the first national seminar on ‘Migraine and Sport’ at the Anner Hotel in Thurles on Wednesday 18th September at 7.30pm.
7.30 – 7.35: Introduction/Welcome
Patrick Little
CEO, Migraine Association of Ireland
7.35 – 8.05: Understanding Migraine in a Sporting Context
Dr Edward O’Sullivan
Director, Migraine/Headache Clinic, Cork University Hospital
8.05 – 8.35: Physiotherapy and Headache Management
Julie Sugrue
Chartered Physiotherapist, Beaumont Hospital
8.35 – 9.00: Question & answer session with Dr O’Sullivan and Julie Sugrue
9.00: Closing remarks
Patrick Little
CEO, Migraine Association of Ireland
To register, please email or telephone 1850-200-378/ 01-8941280. For more information on migraine visit