More than three quarters of people in Ireland support a total phasing out of tobacco sales - preventing those born after a certain year from ever being able to legally buy cigarettes, new research shows. And even more want both a reduction in the number of locations where tobacco is sold and less nicotine in it to make cigarettes less addictive. “If 12 people died on … [Read more...] about Majority backs gradual ban on tobacco – survey
Is Our Ever Increasing Use Of Technology A Contributor To Neck Pain?
A recent specialist survey found that 45% of 16-24 year olds say they suffer from neck pain, which is a 28% increase from last year. This increase is mostly attributed to tablet and mobile phone usage; with technology becoming a daily accessory it’s becoming more urgent to address these issues. Joanna Cowry-Lorry (BSc, Neuroscience, MChiro, CCEP, LC) London’s leading … [Read more...] about Is Our Ever Increasing Use Of Technology A Contributor To Neck Pain?
40% of Irish people would prefer extra time in bed over a healthy breakfast
Pharmaton Active Life and Nutritional Therapist Elsa Jones calling on the nation to wake and make breakfast part of a good morning routine 40% of Irish people would prefer extra time in bed over a healthy breakfast 27% admit to not having breakfast regularly despite an increased awareness of the benefits for optimum physical and mental performance For those … [Read more...] about 40% of Irish people would prefer extra time in bed over a healthy breakfast
Ward off the Winter Weather with Manuka Health Honey
80% of Irish people understand that Manuka Honey is a suitable treatment for a sore throat and more than 65% understand that it is suitable for the treatment of regular colds / cough. Just over a third of us use Manuka Honey for its health benefits. Approximately 13% of us go to the doctor when they have a cold or cough, but almost 30% visit our pharmacist. 20% … [Read more...] about Ward off the Winter Weather with Manuka Health Honey
42% of people abandon their diets due to lack of willpower, new research has found
Almost half of people give up on their diets due to lack of willpower “Seeing results” is the biggest motivator for 27% of people 18% of people are money motivated 21% of people stick to diets for less than a week Reaching a goal is enough motivation for almost a quarter of people 15% of people give up because of bad time management Nearly … [Read more...] about 42% of people abandon their diets due to lack of willpower, new research has found