The launch of the Carlow Carer Association’s &The Superbowl Sports Complex, ‘Care to Run’ Half Marathon, Mini Marathon and 5 KM Run took place on Monday, August 17th in The Superbowl Sports Complex, Leighlinbridge, County Carlow. Carlow Athlete / Sprinter Marcus Lawlor, Pat Deering, Fine Gael TD for Carlow and Kilkenny and representatives from The Carers Association were some of those present to officially launch the event.
This September, Carlow Carers Association and The Superbowl Sports Complex will host their third annual ‘Care to Run’ Half Marathon, Mini Marathon and 5 KM Run raising much needed funds for two important local causes. ‘Care to Run’ will start from The Superbowl Sports Complex in Leighlinsbridge, County Carlow, on Sunday, September 27th at 11.00am and is being hosted to raise funds for The Carers Association in Carlow and The Superbowl Sports Complex.
The event is suitable for everybody from serious runners, part-time runners, walkers and families and a great atmosphere is guaranteed for the participants and their supporters on the day. “‘Care to Run’ is an important fundraising event for The Carers Association in Carlow as the organisation provides vital support for the 2,165 family carers across Carlow.” said spokesperson Catherine Cox. In 2014 we helped and supported over 5,150 calls and visits to our local centres from family carers and loved ones.
“Likewise the event raises much needed funds for the Superbowl sports complex which is parish owned and caters for a number of sports namely soccer, hurling, camogie and athletics for all in the community – boys, girls and adults. Fundraising is a vital part of our activities allowing us to carry out ongoing maintenance and further development of the facility. Our future plans, subject to funding, include the installation of an all-weather training pitch to allow year round activities and permanent changing rooms. The success of the development can be seen in the huge numbers of people using the facility throughout the year” explains Superbowl Committee Member, Seamus Brennan speaking at the recent launch.
Also speaking at the launch, Marcus Lawlor, Carlow Sprinter / Athlete said “I am delighted to be involved in the 2015 Carlow Carer Association’s & The Superbowl Sports Complex, ‘Care to Run’ Half Marathon, Mini Marathon and 5 KM Run. This event will raise funds for two great local causes, The Superbowl complex here in Leighlinbridge, is a wonderful facility for the local community and particularly those involved in sports including soccer, hurling, camogie and athletics along with The Carers Association, Carlow who provide crucial supports and services to Carlow’s family members caring for loved ones in their own homes and community.
The Carers Association offers help to family carers and their loved ones through providing in-home respite care, training, information and advice. It also provides free counselling for family carers and works alongside other support groups and peer support services.