Minister for Sport, Michael Ring, TD, today (Thursday) announced €41 million in funding under the Sports Capital Programme (SCP) 2015. This is the third round of the Sports Capital funding allocated under Minister Ring, following suspension of the Programme, under the previous administration, from 2008-2011.
Since taking over the sports portfolio, Minister Ring has placed a firm focus on increasing participation in sport and supporting the development of local sporting clubs through the reinstatement of the SCP. A total of €130 million has been allocated by the Minister for sporting facilities in recent years with €31 million allocated in 2012, €40.5 million provided in 2014, €41 million in 2015 and a further €17 million made through special allocations in recent years.
These allocations have provided support for more than 2,600 projects nationally and demonstrate the Government’s commitment to sports and to providing for local facilities and local communities.
Speaking today Minister Ring said: ‘The Sports Capital Programme ensures that as many clubs and organisations as possible have the facilities and equipment they need to allow the maximum number of people to get involved in a wide variety of sports. In addition to funding being provided to organisations such as the GAA, soccer, rugby, boxing and athletics, I am also funding equipment and facilities for more than 40 sports ranging from angling to weight lifting and a whole host in between. By investing in community facilities, these grants take the pressure off clubs and groups to fundraise themselves to provide for the upgrading and building of premises and allows coaches and other volunteers to concentrate on growing the sports they know and love’.
“The Sports Capital Programme is the most important way in which the Government assists in the development and refurbishment of sporting facilities and in the purchase of non-personal sports equipment. Throughout the application and assessment process an emphasis is placed on rewarding clubs and organisations that share facilities as well as on applications received from disadvantaged areas. This year alone €14.5 million has been allocated to 305 projects that are located in or serve CLAR and RAPID areas.
“As with previous years, allocations were made to counties in the fairest way possible; based on their population. A system was introduced by me, on first coming to office, which saw any unused money which resulted from counties not having enough valid projects to take funds allocated to them, being distributed to counties which had historically received below-average per capita funding. This system goes some way to addressing historical imbalances which had become a feature of previous rounds.
“The facilities that are funded under the SCP range from the smallest clubs to national centres of sporting excellence. With around 90% of SCP grantees reporting that they have been able to increase participation as a direct result of the facilities developed with these grants, the importance of making funds available in this way cannot be overstated.
“I am delighted to say that the allocations made under previous rounds are bearing fruit with €20 million paid out to grantees so far this year. That is an increase of 63% on the same period last year. These payments represent improved opportunities for people that enable them to take part in sport to the best of their ability, opening sport, and all the benefits that come with it, to more people across more communities.”
In the coming days all applicants will be informed of the outcome of their applications.
Details of all allocations can be found on: