Over the last several years, juicing has taken off in Ireland amongst people of all ages. With reported benefits such as increased energy, clearer skin, enhanced eyesight, better sleep, and less joint pain – the popularity of juicing and juice cleansing will not slow down anytime soon. Juicing involves extracting and drinking the juice from raw vegetables, fruits, roots and herbs which supplies the body with a large dose of beneficial vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and antioxidants.
In order to encourage communities and groups of people of all ages to try out juicing and experience the benefits for themselves, The Irish Juice Cleanse Challenge was born. The three-day all-ages event will begin on January 23 2015 and end on January 25 2015. The creator of the Irish Juice Cleanse Challenge Stephen said the following when asked about the upcoming event; “It can be quite daunting getting into juicing; researching recipes, knowing how much of what to buy, choosing a juicer that is good quality but that won’t break the bank. It can also require motivation, determination and its not always easy to do alone….Our goal with this event is create a fun, supportive and hassle free way for people to experience the benefits of doing a juice cleanse and hopefully to encourage them to incorporate juicing into their diets on a regular basis.”
Participants who sign up online for the event will receive a three day plan full of juice recipes, advice, and a full shopping list. They will also receive discounts a range of selected juicers and on a variety health food products. This health challenge for personal betterment also has a social conscious as The Irish Juice Cleanse Challenge will be donating 40% of their proceeds to SVP and Focus Ireland.
“We are not promoting Juicing as a new diet or wonder cure, but from our own experience, testimonials from family, friends, online health communities etc juicing and juice cleanses can have amazing positive effects on a persons health. Documentaries like Superjuice Me and Fat Sick and Nearly Dead, although on the more extreme side, show some incredible personal health transformations through Juicing.” Stephen mentioned on the event. “If my grandmother of 83 can do it and feel amazing after it then anyone can.”
Find out more information about joining the Irish Juice Cleanse Challenge by visiting their website www.juicecleansechallenge.ie