New You is demonstrating a revolutionary training method that combines the most advanced systems in bioenergetics, biomechanics, physical evaluation, exercise science and optimum physiological developments in nutrition, and has proved that its method are even more effective with the overweight 30 plus age group.
People in their 30s and 40s find it more difficult to maintain their physical condition due to age related frailty syndromes. This in turn leads to the loss of muscle which has a significant effect on the metabolism.
The New You method uses a balance of the most advanced systems in body composition analysis, exercise science and applied nutrition making training more effective. The precise correlation of these components allows for optimum recovery and regeneration which allows the human body to make significant physiological changes, such as a more responsive metabolism enabling the individual to get lean without starving themselves but more importantly it allows the body to stay that way.
John Kavanagh, co-owner of new you said, “There’s an enormous amount of information on weight loss training and diet thanks to the internet. However, a lot of information comes from anecdotes and opinions of individuals rather than from more valuable information attained from scientific research.
There are also major problems associated with boot camp style and cross training due to the over production of the bodies main stress hormone called Cortisol. Excess levels of Cortisol actually break down muscle and connective tissue, weakening the body and making it more prone to injury. When your goal is reducing visceral abdominal and subcutaneous fat, exercising to stimulate and not to annihilate the body is essential. This method is not a quick fix, it doesn’t break down the metabolism like other methods, it builds the metabolism.”
In New You, the in-house doctor or nurse clinically determines the individual’s body composition through Bio Electrical Impedance Analysis and a programme is then devised specific to the individual. This precise system has been culminated into a controlled intensive one to one personal training solution which is more effective and more efficient than anything preceding it.