by Adrian Harper
A common question I get a lot is – is this low fat food good for me? – The answer is usually no for a number of reasons, let me explain to you why. LOADS of fat cells exist within your body naturally and this is not the problem, BUT you have to take control over what these cells do if you want to get lean and achieve optimal health. Body fat can grow in two ways, first by multiplying the number of fat cells and also by increasing the size of existing cells. – fat cell multipliers and fat cell expanders.
You may be like most people and think why the hell would eating fat be good for me? You would think that “low fat” would mean less fat on your body, right? Unfortunately this is not correct and going down this low fat path will 100% make you fatter. Why is this you rightly ask? Well you see the low fat craze created a massive demand for reduced fat packaged foods. The food giants duly obliged by creating many fat substitutes which would enable them to list lower fat and calorie amounts on everything. Little did they know(or did they?) that these “fake” fats would activate fat storage and cause cell malfunction. Trans fatty acids found within things like margarine, cooking oil and an endless number of packaged foods activate fat storage by damaging the normal operation of fat cells.
Nature did not intend for these artificial items to be consumed. Consuming these artificial foods confuses the fat burning process by taking the place of the much needed essential fats which belong in the cells. Filling fat cells with useless artificial material will severely impair the ability of the body to burn fat. And You need to take action to correct this major imbalance. This won’t happen overnight and you need months of clean eating to rid your system of the artificial fats which build up within the cell. These fats cannot easily be used as fuel. Trans fats are also designed to increase the shelf life of foods and as a result of consuming these your fat cells may swell creating a fatter appearance.
The fat swelling which takes place following a series of bad food choices has affected us all at some stage. As a result you have a swollen appearance which can make fitting into your skinny jeans a nightmare. A lot of this is caused from the low fat craze which leads us to eating these foods which are often labelled as many different names to confuse us.
Beware of Low Fat!!!
Thanks for reading!
Adrian Harper