How to stay calm during Christmas chaos: Just because the speed of life gets unbelievably quick and chaotic at this time of year does not mean that we need to let ourselves and our nervous systems match this type of energy. It is a time of year we are meant to feel joy and goodwill to all, yet the length of the to-do list can mean we feel the exact opposite! … [Read more...] about Tips on staying calm during the festive period
5 Easy Top Tips to Reduce Christmas Bloating!
Nutritionist Jane McClenaghan offers her 5 easy tips on how to reduce Christmas bloating and how to keep your gut healthy over the holiday period. Mince pies, Christmas turkey, brussel sprouts and cream on everything. There are some foods that make it feel like Christmas. We all like to indulge in our favorite festive foods, but if your digestive system ends up feeling … [Read more...] about 5 Easy Top Tips to Reduce Christmas Bloating!
How To Eat Well At Christmas When Gluten Is Your Grinch
Who wants to be ill at Christmas? The answer, of course, is no one. But for people with coeliac disease and others who are gluten intolerant, spending time with family and friends during the festive season can be full of risk as they try to avoid becoming ‘glutened’ and sick as a result. To help those who need to live gluten free, and those who might be hosting them, … [Read more...] about How To Eat Well At Christmas When Gluten Is Your Grinch
Croí Dietitian Tips for a Healthy Festive Season!
By Suzanne Seery, Croí’s Lead Dietitian Be Consistent in Your Eating Habits Maintaining a regular meal pattern throughout the festive season can help prevent over-eating at meal times or snacking. By sticking to regular meals, you can enjoy a few treats and achieve a healthy balance. All foods fit, it’s the portion size that matters! A healthy relationship with food … [Read more...] about Croí Dietitian Tips for a Healthy Festive Season!
Stoke your digestive fire this Christmas with ancient Ayurveda
No matter how good you’ve been all year, Christmas is often a time where many of us ditch our healthy lifestyles and get tempted by edible delights and boozy nights out! Routine goes out the window and you may find yourself over-eating and snacking at irregular times, which wrecks havoc on our digestive systems, leaving us feeling lethargic, bloated and lacking in energy to … [Read more...] about Stoke your digestive fire this Christmas with ancient Ayurveda