We need to have an honest conversation about why sticking to a diet is so hard after we hit 40. Yes, menopause changes our bodies, but this makes it harder, not impossible to lose weight. The truth is we ignore the biggest weight loss barriers because we’re too ashamed. Ashamed we can’t control our eating habits, that we have no willpower and no motivation. Yet for all … [Read more...] about Why Women Over 40 Can’t Lose Weight. We need to have a different conversation about why dieting is so hard
The Last Belt Hole – A 60lb Journey
by Thomas Leamy Creamy French onion soup, succulent pan-fried duck à l'orange, topped off with a vanilla mille-feuille that was so good, it could wake Napoleon. It was food heaven! My lovely fiancée, who is now my lovely wife, had just treated me to a showstopper meal in the quaint L’Abreuvoir restaurant, for my 29th birthday. I thought several times that night as we walked … [Read more...] about The Last Belt Hole – A 60lb Journey
Is The Key To Dieting Success In Our DNA?
DNA TEST WILL REVEAL HOW YOUR BODY RESPONDS TO EXERCISE, FOOD AND DRINK NUTRIFIX LAUNCH PREMIUM APP ALLOWING USERS TO TAILOR HIGH STREET FOOD CHOICES TO THEIR GENETIC MAKE-UP Nutrifix - the nutritional app that helps people find healthy food nearby, personalised to their dietary needs - has partnered with Australian genetic … [Read more...] about Is The Key To Dieting Success In Our DNA?
Sarah’s true story on overdoing strict diets and what they can do to a person
by Sarah Scurry There is a lot of pressure on girls these days to be thin. Sorry, I won’t just say girls; I’d say pressure on everyone. Over the years a huge fitness craze has come about. When I was younger, this was unheard of. Maybe that's why you could say I was a little on the heavy side. To be honest. It never bothered me. It wasn't a big deal. Although I do remember … [Read more...] about Sarah’s true story on overdoing strict diets and what they can do to a person
The 9 key factors that have been preventing you from losing weight
Discover the 9 key factors that have been keeping your body from burning fat, and you from achieving the shape and size you desire If it was as easy as eating healthily and exercising you’d already look and feel the way you want to look and feel, and therefore you wouldn’t be reading this right now. But it isn’t. There is more to it and you know it. In fact, there are 9 key … [Read more...] about The 9 key factors that have been preventing you from losing weight