Kick Start Fat Loss (KSFL), a new generation slimming club, which has never been seen before, is launching in Ireland.
Kick Start Fat Loss is the brainchild of the UK’s leading health and fitness presenter and guru Rachel Holmes. KSFL started out as an online programme back in 2007 and following its UK success, LABFITNESS is launching the healthy weight loss programme in Ireland on Tuesday, 18th November.
Labfitness in Drogheda will be the first fitness club in Ireland to host weekly KSFL classes where members are encouraged to follow a clean eating programme based on the latest tried and tested formulas with no diet foods in sight, a great cutting edge half hour workout for busy women, and a real sense of community spirit and support which is so important to the programme’s success. Each week members are weighed and measured discreetly and then there is a 15 minute nutritional talk and a 30 minute HIIT exercise class. Classes cost 10 euros and will take place on Tuesday’s at 6pm and Thursdays at 7pm.
Labfitness is also currently looking for qualified fitness instructors to lead the revolution and run KSFL classes nationwide from January 2015. With this in mind, Rachel Holmes will host a presentation for fitness instructors who wish to offer the KSFL programme to their clients on Sunday, 23 November at 12noon to 1pm at Labfitness’ studios in Mell, Drogheda.
KSFL will be teaming up with local butchers, grocers, fishmongers and organic produce suppliers across Ireland to make sure their members are getting great, healthy, locally produced food which will help give the local economy a boost. They are leading the revolution against processed foods and diet foods and aim to get everyone cooking from scratch using locally sourced produce.
Laura Armada, head instructor says: “It’s time for a change, we are offering a new generation of classes will be suitable for all levels that encourage a great community feel.”
“Gone are the days where you have to work out for an hour every time; times have moved on and it’s all about high intensity, interval training now which will kick starting your metabolism, says Laura. “We use the latest cutting edge workouts that change every week.”
“Plus we all know to have success losing weight you have to combine healthy eating with exercise; one without the other is a waste of time. So we get all our members clean eating from the start with no diet food in sight.”
Laura is passionate that KSFL becomes a real part of the community, and part of that is reinforced by her team leaders, encouraging their members to shop locally. “I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to get people using local resources with fresh produce instead of filling their trolleys with two for one offers at the supermarket,” says Laura. “At Kick Start Fat Loss we are starting a revolution and you can all be part of it,” she adds.
KSFL Nutrition
Kick Start Fat Loss…
- · Advocates ditching packaged food… This ensures that you are not eating processed food, cereals, breads or “low fat” food that contains hidden sugars, additives and preservatives.
- · Encourages cooking meals from scratch using good quality fresh ingredients, organic if possible and it doesn’t have to be time consuming or difficult… With a little planning you can come home to prepared, nutritious, fat burning food that is low cost and take healthy food with you when you are on the go. Investing in a slow cooker is a must!
- · Provides you with a shopping list, including meats, fish, vegetables, eggs, and low sugar fruits. For vegetarians there are additional options.
- · Requires you to eat a clean diet for 14 -28 days then introduces a cheat meal where you can eat, and drink anything you like. It is extremely simple to follow and very straightforward.
- · Is NOT a no carb lifestyle plan – there are plenty of carbs but … they are of the good, healthy variety and, if you eat enough of them, your energy levels will be absolutely fine – remember vegetables and fruit are carbs too!!!
- · Encourages you can talk to the other KSFL members and your KSFL Leader, to help to plan your meals and exchange recipe ideas so you feel confident and well prepared. KSFL will help you do this and understand how your body’s sugar levels and hormones play a huge part in your fat loss journey.
KSFL Exercise
Each KSFL class includes a HIIT exercise session consisting of..
- · A warm up and a 25 minute full body interval training workout.
- · You perform an exercise for 40/45 seconds then you have a 15/20 second rest.
- · There are no complicated moves or jazzy choreography.
- · There are modifications for all fitness levels so it’s suitable for different abilities.
- · This style of class makes it much more accessible for both men and women
- · All you need to wear is loose comfy clothing, trainers & bring some water with you.
- · KSFL members will also have access to 10 minute workouts online through the KSFL main website which you can do in the comfort of your own home.