University College Cork provides elite sportspersons with the opportunity to apply for a variety of Sports Scholarships whilst pursuing their academic & sporting careers. UCC has a long established Sports Scholarship Scheme in place. In 2008 UCC became a member of the Irish Institute of Sport Elite Athletics Scholarship Programme.
- UCC Soccer Scholarship
- Roy Keane UCC Sport 100 Soccer Scholarship
- UCC/Trend Micro Soccer Scholarship
01 July 2015 is the closing date for this scheme.
Click Link below for more information:
Quercus Sports Scholarships 2015/2016
UCC are pleased to announce that we will be awarding up to 5 Quercus Scholarships for Sport to registered undergraduates in 2015/16. These students should demonstrate an exceptional level of excellence in their chosen Sport and will have been selected by the Scholarship Panel for a Quercus Scholarship.
Friday, February 6th, 2015.
See Link below for more information:
Scholarship Benefits
The five strands of talented students within the programme will benefit from a wide range of academic, financial, personal, and other supports. Each talented student will begin the programme with a one-to-one meeting with the Director of the Quercus Programme.