Hilmar Valur Jensson, a 39 year old Icelandic travel guide from the Westman Islands in Iceland has made extraordinary transformation in his life. In only 9 months he has lost over 90 lbs., using a very easy-to-follow online diary program, created and operated by the Icelandic weight loss- and life coach Sverrir Þráinsson (http://www.facebook.com/grenningarradgjafinn ).
Hilmar has agreed to tell his story, in the hopes that his story will inspire other overweight people to realize the predicament they are in and to seek help.
Throughout the years, I have always had a goal or a dream rather, that by the time I would reach 40, I would be in good shape. As the years passed, I just kept gaining weight and it seemed like my dream of being reasonably fit, was becoming ever more distant. My weight was creating real health issues. Like a snowball rolling down hill, the problem kept getting bigger and eventually it was just out of control. If I had not made a U-turn in my life, my weight and health issues would have brought me to an early grave. So I decided to keep my own promise to myself and get myself sorted out, lose weight and change my life. I was in trouble and I needed help. I looked for someone to help me, and thankfully I found Sverrir, who helped me reach my goals in a record time.
After years of trying every single trick in the book to get a hold of my weight, little hope of finding help and a feeling of dejavu, I finally came across a Facebook site from Sverrir Thráinsson who is a weight loss coach with an extra touch. He really helped me change my life. Sverrir helps people online through a diary system which actually works. I was intrigued and started reading the success stories from various people and thought to myself, “why not try”? One more attempt couldn’t hurt. So I sent him a message and the rest is history. I would not have believed before my journey started how much this would transform my life. I certainly have no regrets.
My daily routine was quite simple, I use a pedometer (similar to fit bit) to count my daily steps and I set myself a goal of reaching 12.000 steps a day or 84.000 steps a week. That combined with an average of 2000-2500 calorie daily intake made from routine 4 meals a day. This may sound simple and logical, but for some reason I just simply never did this before I met Sverrir.
Sverrir is very good a calculating the optimal intake of calories and necessary mobility for each individual, in order to help people reach their goals. It’s a system of payback and gain. In other words if a person has a bad day for instance eats more than the recommended amount, then the following day is payback day, where the individual eats less. This balances out the bad day, without affecting the rest of the week. The end of each week is like a balance sheet, where I weight myself and sent in the numbers to Sverrir and he replied with a plan of action to correct the situation if the week had been bad or encourage me to continue on the right path, if the situation was good. It’s a great system and it works. Add to this the mental encouragement and personal touch gained by working with Sverrir. He has a different approach than others I have encountered before, in my countless attempts to lose weight. I never even met him, all the communication is conducted online and the results are amazing.
Don’t get me wrong, this was not easy. I have struggled for years and it’s very easy to fall into bad habits, negative thoughts or just simply to become lazy. Sverrir helped me keep my eye on my goal, encouraged me when I needed it and gave me advice. He helped me learn from my mistakes and not to give up.
The best thing about Sverrir’s program is that nothing is banned; nothing is a “no-go-zone”. He is a firm believer in taking responsibility for ones decisions and actions, without blame or shame. He suggested I write everything down, which I did. When a person sees black on white what’s going on, mentally, eating and exercising, that’s where your thoughts begin to change. I learned the difference between need, habit and sudden desire or cravings. Sometimes it’s enough to pause for a few minutes and drink a glass of water, and then my brain has adjusted and the cravings subside. I also have a good routine now where it’s harder for old habits to creep back in.
I also learned to control binge eating during traditionally large food holidays, such as Christmas, Easter and vacations. I know now, that I never have to deny myself anything and I can treat myself when I like, as long as I pay back so my weight is in balance. I am in control and that feels good.
What’s best about Sverrir’s program is that it addresses feelings and thoughts, as well as the actual weight issues. It’s a well thought out system which provides great support and in the end, good results.
Sverrir Þráinsson is a certified weight loss- and life coach