It’s a commonly known fact that travel can do wonders for your physical health. However, not many people know that simply exploring new places can also do wonders for your overall well-being. A lot of health experts recommend taking a vacation or even a daycation, to get yourself away from the hustle and bustle of daily life, or just to catch up on some sleep. In fact, short getaways like a quick trip to the mountains or the beach, over a long weekend, is any day preferable over longer vacations. Let’s tell you the top reasons why weekend getaways like these can be highly beneficial for you.
Your heart will get a much needed break
Scientific studies have revealed that your heart requires a vacation too. In fact, it can do well with at least two vacations per year! A Framingham Heart Study revealed that women who opt for minimum two vacations per year have eight times lesser chance of suffering from a coronary heart disease. Another study carried out on men with a higher coronary disease risk showed that ones who didn’t take any annual vacation had 32% more chances of dying from a heart attack compared to the vacationers.
Will work as a stress buster
As per studies, taking a quick weekend getaway or simply playing golf for a day can reduce the stress hormones in your body and lower down your blood pressure. Hence, imagine what taking a week off or more could potentially do for your well-being? It’s no news that getting rid of stress can do wonders for your health, not to forget make you feel and look younger!
Will make you a smart worker
A vacation can prove to be that much needed refresher, especially if you put all your electronic devices away and catch up on some sleep. It might even prove beneficial for your work performance, as stress is known to have negative impact on decision-making ability. In addition, getting back to work after a vacation, free from stress, can enable you to make well thought out decisions.
Can bring you closer to your friends and family
An Associate Professor of Purdue University teaching Hospitality and Tourism Management there, along with his team of researchers carried out a study and revealed the positive impacts of weekend getaways on families. It was found that families connect better when they get away from the day-to-day stresses. They share new experiences which helps them get closer to each other and also develop positive ties that last much longer than the vacation.
Can make you a happy person overall
Another study, carried out at Wisconsin this time, showed that women who took more frequent vacations (one or two per year) experienced lower levels of depression and tension, compared to the ones who vacationed less. In fact, as per a Dutch study, even anticipation of a vacation can prove to be a mood booster!