The Sitting Still app is an app especially designed for teenagers to reduce stress,worries, calming the mind and to increase the ability to concentrate and to bring more presence into daily activities.
Practicing with the app on regular basis will help you to perform better at school, in sports and in any other activity in the midst of an environment with increasing stress and pressure.
The app contains several guided meditations based on the effective method developed by Eline Snel (author of Sitting Still Like a Frog: Mindfulness Exercises for Kids -and Their Parents). Her method has been proven successful in many countries and enables you to be more aware of your attention.
The Sitting Still App offers several meditations and many advanced features: a logbook, notifications, elaborate statistics and the option to set up notifications based on time and location to help you relax anytime and anywhere.
It’s simply the perfect tool to help you deal with stress, worries and difficult feelings.
The Sitting Still app is available for both iPhone and Android.
Price: €1,79.
Based on the best selling books of Eline Snel
The Sitting Still App contains the following features:
10 guided meditations with personal logbook features to keep track of your progress
4 silent meditations with singing bowl: 3, 5, 15 and 30 minutes
2 guided body scans: a short and a long one
Statistics which you can use to keep track of your progress on a weekly, monthly or yearly basis
Optional notes to write to yourself after every meditation
Feedback after the meditations
Optional reminders to meditate on location and/or time
Option to send motivational messages to yourself at any moment
Developed by MindApps, the worldwide leader in the field of Mindfulness Apps.